Solution to problem of the week #3 (and an apology)
From time to time I post a problem of the week on Walking Randomly and invite readers to post solutions. Although I haven’t done many, they seem to be quite popular and so I plan on resurrecting the series soon.
Back in August last year I posted a problem concerning Fibonacci numbers and matrices and Sam Shah (Of Continuous Everywhere but Differentiable Nowhere fame) took the time to write out a full solution in a PDF file and sent it to me via email. I promised that I would publish it ‘soon’.
Well…umm…’soon’ turned out to be almost a year later. Here is Sam’s solution to the original problem – enjoy!
Sorry Sam!
Thanks for posting the solution! I was still learning how to write LaTeX on my mac with a new program — and used this to practice writing it — so it’s not as clear as I would like. I hope others can follow along with my muddledness!