Archive for October, 2018
A guest blog-post by Catherine Smith of University of Birmingham
In early 2017 I was in the audience at one of Mike Croucher’s ‘Is your research software correct?’ presentations. One of the first questions posed in the talk is ‘how reproducible is a mouse click?’. The answer, of course, is that it isn’t and therefore research processes should be automated and not involve anyone pressing any buttons. This posed something of a challenge to my own work which is primarily about making buttons for researchers to press (and select, drag and drop etc.) in order to present their data in the appropriate scholarly way. This software, for making electronic editions of texts preserved in multiple sources, assists with the alignment and editing of material. Even so, the editor is always in control and that is the way it should be. The lack of automation means reproducibility is a problem for my software but as Peter Shillingsburg, one of the pioneers of digital editing, says ‘editing is an art not a science’: maybe art can therefore be excused, to an extent, from the constraints of automation and, despite their introduction of human decisions, the buttons may be permitted to stay. Nevertheless I still want to know that my software doing what I think it is doing even if I can’t automate what editors choose to do with it. In the discussion that followed the paper I was talking about the complication of testing my interface-heavy software. Mike agreed that it was a complex situation but concluded by saying “if you go away from here and write one test you will have made the world a better place”.
I did just that. In fact I did very little else for the next three months. What started with one Python unit test has so far led to 65 Python unit tests, 82 Javascript unit tests and 54 functional tests using Selenium. The timing of all of this was perfect in that I had just begun a project to migrate all of our web applications to Django. I had one application partially migrated and so I tested that one and even did some test-driven development on the sections that were not yet complete.
The tests themselves are great to have. This was my first project using Django and I made lots of mistakes in the first application. The tests have been invaluable in ensuring that, as I learned more and made improvements, the older code kept pace with those changes. Now that I have tests for some things I want tests for everything and I have developed a healthy fear of editing code that is not yet tested. There are other advantages as well. When I sat down to write my first test it very quickly became clear that the code I had written was not easily testable. I had to break down the large Django views into smaller chunks of code that could each be unit tested. I now write better structured code because of that time I invested in testing just some of it. I also learned a lot about how to approach migrating all of the remaining applications while writing the detailed tests for every aspect of the first one.T
Django has an integrated test framework based on the python unittest module but with the additional benefit of automatically creating a test database using the models from the project to which test data can be added. It was very straightforward to set up and run (see the Django docs I found Javascript unit testing less straight forward. There was not much Javascript in this first application so I used the qunit test framework and sinon.js for mocking. I have never automated the running of these tests and instead just open them in the browser. It’s not ideal but it works for now. I have other applications which are far more Javascript heavy and for those I will need to have automated tests, there are plenty of frameworks around to choose from so I will investigate those when I start writing the tests.
Probably the most important tests I have are the functional tests which are written in Selenium. I had already heard of Selenium, having attended a Test Driven Development workshop several years ago by Harry Percival. I used his book, Test-Driven Development with Python, as a tutorial for all of the Selenium tests and some of the Django and Javascript tests too. Selenium tests are automated browser tests which really do allow you to test what happens when a user presses a button, types text into a text box, selects an item from a list, moves an element by dragging it etc.. The result of every interaction in an interface can be tested with Selenium. The content of each page can also be checked. It is generally not necessary to test static html but I did test the contents of several dynamic pages which loaded different content depending on the permissions granted to a user. Selenium is also integrated within Django using the LiveServerTestCase which means it has access to a copy of the database just like the Django unit tests. Selenium tests can be complex and there are several things to watch out for. Selenium doesn’t automatically wait for a page to load before executing the test statements against it, at every point data is loaded Selenium must be told to wait until a given condition is fulfilled up to a maximum time limit before continuing. I still have tests which occasionally fail because, on that particular run, a page or an ajax call is taking longer to load than I have allowed for. Run it another five times and it may well pass on every one. It is also important to make sure the browser is told to scroll to a point where an element can be seen before the instruction to interact with that element is given. It’s not difficult to do and is more predictable that waiting for a page to load but it still has to be remembered every time.
The functional tests are by far the most complex of all the tests I wrote in my three month testing marathon but they are the most important. I can’t automate the entire creation of a digital edition but with tests I can make sure my interface is presenting the correct data in the right way to the editors and that when they interact with that data everything behaves as it should. I really can say that the buttons and other interactive elements I have tested do exactly what I think they do. Now I just need to test all the rest of the buttons – one test at a time!