The Sheffield Research Software Engineering blog

November 17th, 2017 | Categories: RSE, walking randomly | Tags:

Taps microphone: ‘Is this still on?’

I’ve been blogging on here for over 10 years and this article marks the end of the largest gap in posting that I’ve ever done — almost 6 months!  A couple of people have asked me if I’ve given up on WalkingRandomly and the answer is an emphatic ‘No’….I’ve just been extremely busy elsewhere.

Sheffield Research Software Engineering

The primary use of my time has been working with fellow RSE Fellow, Paul Richmond, to set up and run The University of Sheffield’s Research Software Engineering group.  There’s now 8 of us in total with the promise of more on the horizon.

The group has a blog over at and a twitter feed at


I’ve not given up on blogging here and there will be more in the future.

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