Research Software Engineering: State of the Nation 2017

April 10th, 2017 | Categories: RSE | Tags:

I am a co-investigator on an EPSRC-funded grant called the RSE-N (Research Software Engineering Network), the aim of which is to co-ordinate various Research Software Engineering activities nationally.  One of the outputs of this work is a ‘State of the Nation’ report which discusses the current state of the national community along with some of its history and the reasons why the concept of ‘Research Software Engineer’ was created back in 2012.

It covers everything that’s happened since the community began. If you want to know more about RSEs, then the report is a good place to start. If you’re making a case for supporting RSEs at your local institution, we hope the report will provide some of the evidence you need.

If you are interested in the RSE movement, I encourage you to read it.

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