EPSRC Research Software Engineering Fellow: Ian Bush
This interview with Ian Bush is part of my series of interviews on the new cohort of EPSRC Research Software Engineering Fellows.
Which University are you from?
Oxford. The RSE fellowship will be in the Oxford e-Research Centre and will fund 80% of my time. The remaining 20% will be for my current post, as support staff for the HPC Cluster that ARC provides to the university.
Could you tell us a little about yourself and how you became a Research Software Engineer?
Drifted into it! Ultimately I’m a chemist/condensed matter physicist, my degree is in the former and my doctorate is more toward the later, but really the division is artificial. During my doctorate I had to code up various models to run on the two Cray 1 machines (nicknamed Ronnie and Reggie) then placed in ULCC, and as time went by I got more interested in the method of solving the problem rather than the solution of the problem itself; in the end I was investigating and implementing totally different algorithms from that originally proposed for my project. From there I went to what is now STFC Daresbury Laboratory supporting and developing parallel software on the Intel iPSC/860 machine there with a whole 64 cores. Hence my interest in parallel computing, and since then I have been working on the development, optimisation and support of a number of packages in the materials science/chemistry area. I’m probably most closely associated with CRYSTAL and DL_POLY (in total over 3000 groups worldwide hold licences for these applications) but I have code in a much larger number of widely used applications. If asked for my niche it would be that I couple good parallel programming skills with a good understanding of the scientific areas in which I specialise.
What do you think is the role of a Research Software Engineer? Is it different from a ‘normal’ researcher?
Yes it is different. An RSE’s prime role is in the enabling and facilitation of research, not in the carrying out of research itself. Given an idea, often (but not always, the RSE him/herself can be the driver) provided by a researcher, the RSE is the person who implements it, who makes it reality, and then usually hands it on/back to a researcher to exploit. Thus while the researcher gets the immediate benefit and publishes the papers, it would not be possible without the RSE, and I hope that EPSRC’s funding of these posts will drive the better understanding and recognition of these vital individuals and groups within the academic research infrastructure.
It requires a demanding skill set! While it is very much engineering in that the idea has to be turned into a design spec and then through the programming skill of the RSE into a correct, usable, maintainable, extendable and efficient solution to the researcher’s problem, it is more than that. People skills are required to interact constructively with the user to provide a solution tailored to their needs, often scientific insight into the user’s area is of great benefit and knowledge of the world without the RSE’s institution is vital to avoid reinventing the wheel – A RSE is not a jack but a master of all trades! But then again if it weren’t challenging it wouldn’t be fun …
You’ve recently won an EPSRC RSE Fellowship – congratulations! Can you give a brief overview of your project?
Well the funding provided by EPSRC is for me and a post-doc, 8 FTEs in total over a 5 year period. The theme running through the proposal is to push the scalability of software on the very highest end hardware, and so is very much based in high performance computing (HPC) and the exploitation of 10’s and 100’s of thousands of cores for the solution of scientific problems. Within this there are two threads, one programming, one based in teaching.
The programming thread is to develop a small set of codes so as to better utilise HPC, both in terms of scalability and in terms of solving scientifically exciting problems . These are mostly based in my traditional area of material science (CRYSTAL, CRYSCOR and DL_POLY), but one is a new collaboration with the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, CCFE, to work on their gyrokinetic plasma simulation code, GS/2. All these codes have been demonstrated to scale in at least part of their functionality to many hundreds or thousands of cores, but there are scientific drivers for this to be improved.
As one example take CRYSTAL. This is an ab initio electronic structure code, so it (approximately) solves Schrödinger’s equation for a given system of interest, and from that solution many interesting properties of the material in question can be calculated. The issue here is that while the base solver is parallelised well and has been shown to amongst the best in class (see e.g. Orlando et al. “A new massively parallel version of CRYSTAL for large systems on high performance computing architectures”, Journal of computational Chemistry, vol. 33, no. 28, pp. 2276–2284) the calculation of certain quantities is not parallelised, and thus for large systems while the base equation can be solved the scientifically interesting stuff can’t! During the fellowship, in collaboration with STFC RAL, the University of Turin and Imperial College London, the post-doc and I will work to address this. One of the most interesting areas is how materials interact with light. This can be modelled by Time Dependent Density Functional Theory (TD-DFT). A serial version of this exists within CRYSTAL but due to lack of expertise within the developers this has not been parallelised. As RSEs, I and the post-doc will provide the skill set to develop a fully parallel distributed memory implementation capable of scaling to many thousands of cores. This in turn provides many scientific opportunities. One possibility is the first fully ab initio modelling of radiation damage in proteins; the current code is attempting this but its current model of a protein is the small 29 atom hydrocarbon n-C9H20 due to the limitations of the serial implementation, rather than the 100s or 1000s of atoms that make up a real protein. The new code will allow understanding what is really happening when X-rays are incident on materials, for example in a synchrotron such as Diamond, as the X-rays will damage the material being studied as the measurements are being taken. It will also provided insights when other soft, organic systems, such as humans, are exposed to high energy electromagnetic radiation.
High energies are also obviously relevant to the work on the plasma modelling code GS/2. The background to this is ultimately the 10 billion euro experimental tokamak ITER being built in France to examine the possibility of using hydrogen fusion power as a cheap, plentiful supply of energy – in other words cheaper electricity bills! Again the current code scales well to a few thousand cores, but even at this level of computational power they are still far away from a fully realistic model of the plasma within a tokamak such as ITER. For instance it would be desirable to use a spatial resolution which is roughly two orders of magnitude finer than currently used, this resulting in a 100 fold increase in simulation time on the current thousands of cores that can be used currently. To solve such a problem in reasonable times instead needs 100s of thousands of cores, and scaling the application up to this size of machine is what will be studied by myself and the post-doc.
The teaching strand covers areas I think are poorly covered within the UK. Firstly, unlike in my youth, the majority of HPC users are now not programmers but application users, people who view the computer program as black box, a tool used to generate results to present in papers and at conferences. But like any complex tool its use is not easy, and I believe application specific training for the best use of parallel computers is something that is sorely lacking. Thus for the codes I will work on I shall develop such material under a creative commons licence, and will present it to interested groups focusing in the first place on CDTs. For programmers I also feel that while teaching the syntax of OpenMP or MPI, the basic parallel programming tools within in computational science, is well covered, when and how to use them is not. After all a large supercomputer is one of the most powerful tools available to a programmer, we teach them what the tool is but not how to use it – it’s akin to giving someone a chainsaw and then telling them to cut down trees before you show them how to use it. So again under creative commons, and again initially focussed on CDTs, I shall develop material covering aspects such as how to think about distributing objects on multinode machines, and how to assess the potential scalability of different algorithms and data distributions.
Over and above that I hope to use the fellowship to raise the profile and recognition of the RSE initially within the byzantine institution that is Oxford, in the longer term without. I feel passionately that the lack of understanding, respect and job progression possibilities for people who provide the irreplaceable technical enabling of fundamental research is wasting any number of opportunities for UK PLC, not just in terms of scientific research that is just not possible without the RSE, but more importantly in the people who are lost from the field due to the lack of opportunities within it. I dearly hope that the existence and actions of RSE fellows will not only prove a first step in improving the current situation (and kudos to EPSRC for recognising the issue), but also as an example to aspiring, talented graduates that an RSE is a real career opportunity and path, with resulting benefit to all.
How long did it take you to write your Fellowship application? Do you have any advice on the application process?
Difficult to say, but the hard work was mainly over the last 2 weeks with 2 very long days just before the deadline … However long before then I had held a number of meetings with my collaborators, and I asked for letters of support as early as I possibly could.
Advice? Contact your collaborators as early as possible! The dependency list for writing the proposal when you have a large number of collaborators will be complicated, so get that sorted well before the deadline. Otherwise don’t underestimate how long it will take, and don’t overestimate how much you can put in 8 pages, it is not much space.
Who are your project partners?
Universities: Oxford, Turin, Bristol, Southampton, Imperial College London, University College London
Other: STFC RAL, STFC Daresbury, Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, HPC Materials Chemistry Consortium, NAG
Tell me about your RSE group.
The fellowship provides a seed for me to develop a research group within OeRC and Oxford, with 7 years of funding (3 provided by OeRC) for myself and 4 for a post-doc. The above paragraphs cover some of the more immediate goals for the group but of all of those possibly the most important is that raised last – “I hope to use the fellowship to raise the profile and recognition of the RSE initially within the byzantine institution that is Oxford, in the longer term without.” For me at least I hope to grow the group, and through collaborations with the group show the benefit of RSEs, both through the software engineering aspects and by providing RSEs with longer term employment possibilities coupled with real career progression opportunities. The cynic might say that I need to do that for my own career, the altruist that it is only in the interest of UK PLC for me to achieve this – I hope I am more the later than the former!
Which programming languages and technologies do you regularly use?
Fortran 95 or later, C, C++, MPI, OpenMP, Doxygen, svn, git, netCDF, a variety of debuggers and profilers, almost entirely on Linux. A variety of batch scheduling systems. And god’s own editor, Emacs. Powerpoint when I must, but I prefer the Libreoffice tools and latex where appropriate.
Are there any languages/technologies that you used to use a lot but have now moved away from? Why?
Fortran 77. Because it is crap not conducive to enabling modern best practice in software engineering. I only mention it because it is clear that students are still being taught this due to lack of funded, experienced RSEs in science departments. This leads to the teaching of programming being left to the department’s “computer guy” who learnt his/her programming 25 years ago and hasn’t done it seriously since. THIS MUST STOP. It is to the detriment of both the students and computational research in general. Fortran 77 was of its time, but its time was half a century ago, nowadays use Fortran 2003 or C++ where performance is required, or one of the better scripting languages, e.g. python, when it is not.
Apart from that numerous message passing technologies (e.g. PVM, NX/2, PARMACS) which are just thankfully obsolete. SCCS, RCS, CVS … why does every project I am involved in have a different revision control system!?
Is there anything on your ‘to-learn’ list?
Python. Improve my C++. Money. I fundamentally don’t understand money and I fear it will become rather important in the new post. The French Defence, Winawer variation from white’s perspective.
Do you have any advice for anyone who wants to become a Research Software Engineer?
Be passionate about solving problems. Be involved with the researchers you are helping. Be patient as it ain’t going to happen quickly!
“An RSE’s prime role is in the enabling and facilitation of research, not in the carrying out of research itself.”
Ah – is this the general view? I’d understood the term to mean also “researchers who code a lot”. We may be amateurish coders by full-time RSE standards, but programming is such a huge part of my job that I feel more RSE-y than anything else. (But I also have to write papers, do all the other academic research gubbins, pursue my own research ideas etc.)
Though I did think “engineer” is probably a way too high-falutin’ term for the bodged constructions I knock together – maybe “researchers who mostly code” needs its own name.
Thoughts on the RSE demarcation problem?