xkcd style graphs in various languages
December 29th, 2012
| Categories: just for fun, Latex, math software, mathematica, matlab, programming, python, R
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xkcd is a popular webcomic that sometimes includes hand drawn graphs in a distinctive style. Here’s a typical example
In a recent Mathematica StackExchange question, someone asked how such graphs could be automatically produced in Mathematica and code was quickly whipped up by the community. Since then, various individuals and communities have developed code to do the same thing in a range of languages. Here’s the list of examples I’ve found so far
- xkcd style graphs in Mathematica. There is also a Wolfram blog post on this subject.
- xkcd style graphs in R. A follow up blog post at vistat.
- xkcd style graphs in LaTeX
- xkcd style graphs in Python using matplotlib
- xkcd style graphs in MATLAB. There is now some code on the File Exchange that does this with your own plots.
- xkcd style graphs in javascript using D3
- xkcd style graphs in Euler
- xkcd style graphs in Fortran
Any I’ve missed?
Your “Mathematica-style” link points to R instead of Mathematica.
Thanks Andrew. Fixed now.
I did it in Euler Math Toolbox, at least on a rudimentary level. It is just so much fun. See
Looks good Rene, added to the list.
I am putting together some fun technical slides and I wanted to use the xkcd code that you highlighted in your “Walking Randomly” blog. I have used this code before under version 8 a few months ago and it ran great. Under version 9 I have noticed an 800% slow down!?
I used AbsoluteTiming[] to get that slow down value between version 9 and version 8.
Are you seeing this performance change too? I am also wondering if I am perhaps doing something incorrect???
Thanks for any help you can offer…
As funny as it may seem here is a Fortran based implementation of xkcd-like plots…