A Month of Math Software – June 2012
Welcome to the June 2012 edition of A Month of Math Software. The archive to all previous editions is here. Feel free to contact me if you have news that you’d like including in next month’s edition.
A list of packages based upon SuiteSparse
- Tim Davis has put together a list of projects and packages that rely on the various sparse matrix codes he’s written or co-authored over the years (UMFPACK, CHOLMOD, SuiteSparseQR, KLU, CSparse, and the ordering codes AMD and COLAMD). The list is very impressive but is incomplete. Drop Tim a line if you work on a project that uses his codes.
Python based software
- Sage, the superb computer algebra system based on Python and dozens of other open source projects, has seen a minor update to 5.0.1. Take a look at the changelog for the new stuff.
- Pandas, the Python Data Analysis Library, is now at release 0.8.0. This is a major update on the old 0.7.3 and has significantly improved timeseries data analysis in pandas.
Try a spreadsheet that isn’t Excel
- Gnumeric, the free spreadsheet that’s part of the GNOME office suite, was updated to 1.11.4 in June. Find out what’s new here.
- A new version of LibreOffice (version 3.5.4) was released at the end of May but I missed it in May’s update. LibreOffice is the fork of OpenOffice that everyone should be using these days and includes a great spreadsheet program.
Math-o-mir – The mathematical notepad
- Danijel gorupec contacted me to tell me of a new release of his free software, Math-o-mir. According to Danijel ‘The Math-o-mir is a software tool designed to write and edit mathematical equations as easily as possible. The goal was to achieve the same level of simplicity as with pencil and a sheet of paper. It is designed to act as your personal math notepad where you can write down your quick and informal calculations.’ I haven’t had chance to try it myself but it looks interesting. See what’s new in the 1.7 release over at Danijel’s blog.
Gnu Regression, Econometrics and Time-series Library
- Version 1.9.9 of the Gnu Regression, Econometrics and Time-series Library, gretl, was released at the beginning of June. As the name suggests, gretl is mainly of use to econometricians and it has a long pedigree. It’s first release was in 2000 and it has since been discussed in several journal articles (see below). See what’s new in version 1.9.9 here.
- Using gretl for Monte Carlo experiments – Journal of Applied Econometrics 2010
- GRETL 1.6.0 and its numerical accuracy – Journal of Applied Econometrics 2007
- Teaching undergraduate econometrics with GRETL – Journal of Applied Econometric 2006
- GRETL: Econometric Software for the GNU generation – Journal of Applied Econometrics 2003
Numerical Libraries
- Magma, the GPU accelerated linear algebra library, has been updated to version 1.2.1. See what’s new at http://icl.cs.utk.edu/magma/news/news.html?id=295
- The HSL numerical library has seen some updates. Go to http://www.hsl.rl.ac.uk/changes.html for the details.
Blogs, Bits and Bobs
- Planet Octave is now up and running. This is a collection of blogs related to Octave and is currently made up of posts from the Google Summer of Code students. Some great stuff on the Just in Time (JIT) compiler development, Octave GUI and more.
- PTC’s MathCAD blog turns 3 years old. Head over and take a look at their 5 most popular posts. If you can’t afford Mathcad, why not try the free Mathcad clone, SMath Studio which saw a new release this month.
- Geogebra now has a blog. The June newsletter is also worth checking out. Wikipedia tells us that ‘GeoGebra is an interactive geometry, algebra, and calculus application, intended for teachers and students.’
- Version 0.97 of Eureqa/Formulize has been released. If you don’t know what this is, take a look at the video. In a nutshell, you plug in data and it figures out the formula that best models it.
here is the video of Eureqa finding an equation for symmetrical data set.