HPC-centric Research Software Engineering role within RSE Sheffield

May 24th, 2017 | Categories: RSE | Tags:

A job opportunity within the RSE Sheffield group is available under the job title of “Research Software Engineer in High Performance Computing (HPC) enabled Multi-Scale Modelling”. This is a EU funded position with a focus on supporting the biomedical computing community within the INSIGNEO institute.

We are looking for people who can both write good code and be part of a thriving, supportive community. You’ll join a diverse team who collaborate with academics across the entire University of Sheffield, the wider national community of RSEs and multiple outreach organisations including Sheffield Code First:Girls, Sheffield R User’s group, the Software Sustainability Institute and our own Code Cafe.

We also collaborate closely with the University IT department, CiCS, on matters such as High Performance Computing and software applications support and the University Library on Research Data Management and Software and Data Carpentry. Outside of the University, we collaborate with commercial organisations such as NAG, Mathworks, NVIDIA and Microsoft along with open source communities such as OpenDreamKit and Mozilla Science Lab.

Research Software Engineering as a career pathway is relatively new in the UK and The University of Sheffield is at the forefront of this movement. Our group is academically-led, based in the department of Computer Science and is backed by 2 EPSRC Research Software Engineering Fellowships and funding drawn from multiple collaborators in all University faculties including the largest grant ever awarded to our faculty of arts and humanities.

All of this activity has one aim: To help better research through better software.


See the Sheffield RSE website or jobs.ac.uk for more details and perhaps consider coming to join us?


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