Proof I have a brain!
Many people have referred to me as brainless over the years so when offered the opportunity to prove otherwise at the International Mathematica Symposium earlier this year I jumped at the chance.
Apparently the reason for the fuzziness in the image was because I moved around too much during the scan. This could have been fixed but it would have involved bolting my skull into position and, although the crowd were interested in a demonstration, I was not really that up for it.
If I remember the details correctly, this is a low resolution scanner that can be used by surgeons while brain surgery is actually taking place. Although a surgeon would have access to very high resolution scans, taken before surgery begins, these would steadily become inaccurate due to changes made to the brain during surgery.
Thanks to Barrie Stokes for the pictures.
Very Coooooll.. Is that like a cat scan?
Yep I think so