Crayon Physics Deluxe Available for pre-order
Earlier this year I wrote about a wonderful freeware game called Crayon Physics which was a demo version of an in-development game called Crayon Physics Deluxe. The game’s developer, Petri Purho, wrote the demo in just one week and it caused a small sensation on the internet (and in my office for that matter).
Since then, Petri has been hard at work on the full version of Crayon Physics Deluxe and has been constantly bothered by the game’s fans as to when it will be ready. Petri’s answer is one I approve of – ‘It will be released when it’s done.’ The good news is that Petri feels that it will be done sooner rather than later and has recently set up a site to take pre-orders for the software at the discounted price of $14.95 during Novemer 2008 (the full price will be $20).
Petri – my pre order will be with you at some point over the next few days. Physics has never looked so fun!
Crayon Physics Deluxe from Petri Purho on Vimeo.
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