Facts about the number 2010
I’m really late doing this article and it has already been done very well by MathNotations and 360. There’s also a nice game involving the number 2010 over at Let’s play math. They didn’t mention this fact though
2010 = 1+2-(3-4-5)*6*7*8-9
Which I think is nice. Do you have any more interesting facts about the number 2010?
Someone on reddit.com posted the following about 2010:
2010 = 2*3*5*(7+11+13+17+19)
which is based on the same principle as yours, but using the first eight prime numbers, and kind of simpler.
That is now officially my favorite fact about 2010! :D
OK, so this guy has taken this idea to the next level
Very cool :)
I just noticed the MAA NumberADay entry for Christmas Eve was 2010: